The Rag Pet Lover
We hope you will help us provide others with helpful
information, interesting stories, and most of all share and get smarter
on how to better care for our family pets. You can also post pets for sale
or give away by private owners (pictures encouraged). If your are
a Breeder please let us know and we will work with you on how to advertise
or list with The Rag.
Abandoned Puppy
Someone had given him a cup of water as he sat in the shade of a small
tree. It was bearable now but soon the hot southern sun of noontime
the heat of the asphalt would force him to seek comfort elsewhere.
had no way to take his torn cup of water with him. The man from the
furniture store had left it there for him early in the morning. Not
water was left now, but he sat near it as though it was his own bowl
home. He was grateful.
He looked confidently and bravely toward the grocery store. "His people
would be back for him soon." He thought to himself. He knew they
for they had taken care of him for as long as he could remember. "They
will be back to get me. I know they will." He tried to reassure himself.
Hours passed. Kind words and an occasional pat on the head reassured
somehow. No one came. No one he knew by scent or sight came out of
busy store. Still he sat and hoped. All he remembered of the early
morning was a push from the car, the door slamming and the car speeding
away. They will be back and I’ll be back on the old wooden porch soon.
The familiar sights and sounds now seemed a lifetime ago. The world
he had known it had changed.
He was forced by nature, heat, and exhaustion to move to the sidewalk
the shopping center. He couldn’t see the grocery store anymore but
knew they would be back.
People passed. People said, "Oh poor puppy." Still no one came for
Now he doubted his senses. He smelled everyone. "Get!" that was the
scolding he got from most people when he approached them. He meant
harm. He just wanted to go home.
Night fell. It was quieter now.
Not so many cars now. The furniture store had closed. His hunger began
to gnaw at his stomach. He had to move on. Find food. He could smell
hamburger cooking at a nearby drive-in. Perhaps my people are there.
almost pranced with hope and anticipation toward what he hoped would
the comfort and safety he once knew. Some old french fries lay on the
oily concrete. He devoured them but still he was hungry. Cars came
went. More words from strangers were spoken.. He could not understand.
He did not know any of these people. He found a piece of hamburger
more stale fries. His stomach burned from the bad food and awful
He began to remember the safety and love he once knew with his litter
mates and his doting mother. What joy there was! The wonderful scent
his family! He ached for his mother. He ached and longed for his family.
All alone now, he suddenly began to be very afraid. Where and why am
here? What did I do wrong? Why was I left alone? Finding the shelter
a dumpster, he fell into a fitful sleep. He was tired. He was on his
own. He would find his family tomorrow.
He was awakened by loud crashing noises. The dumpster lifted into the
air. He yelped and cried with fear as he ran away from the horrible
noise of the garbage tuck. The dim light of the morning reminded him
was not at home. The busy highway nearby began to whiz and whine with
trucks and cars. Could I find my people on the other side of this noise?
I’ll go back to the place I was left. I’ll go back where they put me
of the car. They will come get me…..they have to or I will die.
He found himself in a terrifying world in which he could not cope.
turned away from the noisy highway and stinking dumpster. He tucked
tail between his legs . His spirit was gone. His hope was gone. He
he was truly alone now. The sun was rising now and the heat of the
would soon be upon him.
This is the beginning of a story I will develop and edit later. This
not a fictional story. A little dog I saw at Caterberry station inspired
me to begin this essay. So many animals are abandoned only to
die a
terrible death. Very few find a new home. They are slaughtered on
highways, die of decease, or simply starve to death.
If you have an animal you no longer want or you can no longer take
of , please call the local newspaper. Give your pet away. People will
glad to take your animal. There is no cost to place your ad. Please
kind to animals. Domestic animals depend upon human care and kindness.
"Denise Parker ©2000"